What kind of world do we want to weave?
The Multi coloured threads that form the matrix of our world seem to be unraveling and I can’t help thinking that things will never be the same again. Perhaps this is a good thing since the blanket of certainty and reassurance that we have wrapped around us has been an illusion. Day by day we are beginning to realise how closely woven together we actually are. We are experiencing a chain reaction, like dominoes, as one by one all the things that we have come to expect, and are familiar to us, fall away.
The great unravelling of the matrix has begun.. .and what I feel is important is to decide now, and focus on now, and build momentum around now, is what kind of world do we want to weave? Because as the old ‘blanket’ that we have woven becomes threadbare, and falls apart.. we must surely weave together something new that serves our world in a way that is different from the past. If we don’t do this, we will make vain attempts to stitch it all back together, and this won’t work for the times that are coming. We have too many people who have fallen out of our blanket: refugees, homeless, people who are starving, people who are struggling and have no hope. for the future .. such as it ever been for as long as i can remember.
When we are born into our world, we are born into a web, a weaving that was begun by those who came before us, and continues on through our own families and into the generations that come after us … this web created the blanket that was wrapped around us as we entered our world. It’s time to re-evaluate and re-new this old blanket.. it’s time to let it go so that we can create something new.
When we let go of something it leaves a vacuum, and as nature abhors a vacuum we must seek to fill it what is important to us now. We have been seeing over the last year people gathering all over the globe to object to the way things have been. A great reLOVEution has begun. This revolution was based on the ecological disaster that has been looming for years, economic inequality and injustice, and the socio-political issues that have left many people bereft of a decent living, and those from war torn countries without homes and separated from their families in search of a better life elsewhere.. and most recently the uprisings around the loss of personal freedom, and the lack of integrity of our so called leaders.
This gathering of the people is unstoppable.. this virus has been a good excuse to supress the uprising of such discontent. However, if this this virus has taught us one vital lesson, its the question – how do we really want to live, and what is really important to us as humans? Rebellion always creates an equal and opposite reaction, and it may not be helpful if we want to create something new. This belongs to the old paradigm of making war, fighting and conflict. Neither can we be compliant because this leaves us powerless to change anything. These two aspects of us as humans is what needs to change if we are to create a new story for ourselves and our world. That’s doesn’t mean to say we should stop standing up for the values that we believe in, because when we do, we are seen, and it’s heartening to see exactly how many are waking up right now, and to know that we are not alone is our despair for the world.
So how on earth do we change things?
To change things requires us to focus, and build momentum, around the world we want. I believe that this is happening. By stopping us in our tracks, we have been forced to stay home, to retreat from the world we have known, to reflect on how we want our lives to be.. and eventually we will see another way to be: less forced, less driven, less intent on economic growth, more thoughtful of the impact we are making on our world and on each other, more connected to each other and our communities. It feels as though we are all ready for this, that we have come for this time. That we have trained for this for eons. This is the path of the heart. When we drop into our heart we know that we are all one human family, and that when any part of that family is in distress, we all feel that distress.. and when we hurt another we hurt ourselves. It’s time to come home to the heart, and however you or I do this does not matter.. what matters is that we do what we can to make a difference, in the places where we have an influence, in our families and our communities, to be the role model for others to follow.
Perhaps then together we can use the old warp and weft.. the fundamentals of what it means to be human, and what our role is here on earth.. to re-weave a tapestry, a new blanket that holds everyone and everything in right relationship, with equality, in integrity and in collaboration with each other. A new story, a new matrix that our children will be birthed into.
Let’s keep our focus on our hearts, and envision with courage, the future we want… don’t let go of this thread.
There’s a Thread You Follow..
To finish:
Here’s a poem by William Stafford:
There’s a thread you follow. It goes among the things that change. But it does not change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can’t get lost. Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old. Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding. You don’t ever let go of the thread.
Are your ready?
Are you ready to take that step.. from where you are to where you want to be? Are you ready to cross the bridge from your head to your heart? Are you ready to re-weave the story of your life and create together the kind of world we all know is possible? Then we are waiting to hear from you.. because we have dedicated our lives to making that journey with you… we know the way, we have the map… and we’d love to hear from you!