Isn’t it time to be the best version of yourself?

Transform your life with ancient and modern healing practices, offered through empowering workshops, trainings, and online courses.

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online course

Heart of the Shaman

You’re tired and frustrated. You know you’re holding yourself back, but you’re not sure how to break through old habits and traumas. A part of you is stirring, longing for something ancient, something you may already know deep within your DNA. You’re ready to feel more alive and connected, align your mind and heart, and step forward confidently in creating a fulfilling and authentic future!

What’s included

  • Practical techniques for healing the body, mind, and soul
  • A do-it-yourself guide for building your own sacred fire
  • Streamable guided visualizations and meditations
  • A transformational rite that connects you to the living lineage of Q’ero shamans
Sign Up!

Hi, I’m Chris

I get what you’re struggling with. Forty years ago I found myself lying flat on my back for over two weeks, in so much pain I could not move. I had nowhere to run or hide.

My healers journey began, leading me to explore all kinds of modalities, from counseling, yoga, and dance to shamanic medicine, where I trained directly under Alberto Villoldo. This inspired me to develop a holistic training that blends the ancient with the modern.

I’ve spent the last 20 years helping people from across the world heal their mind, body, and soul and rediscover their sacred journey towards a life of wholeness and beauty. I’m honored you’re here now.

More About Me

25 years
9 countries
1000+ clients

How We Can Work Together

Every aspect of our work invites you to feel more alive, connected, and at ease in your mind and heart.

Shamanic healing

Discover a more authentic self, bring forth your gifts and talents, and step confidently into your becoming

practitioner training

Learn to work with energy, immerse yourself in deep healing processes, and discover ancient healing tools you can share with others

Finding your tribe

Connect with kindred spirits, connect deeply in ceremony, and finally feel at home in a variety of group courses and retreats

Get started by experiencing it for yourself!

The journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step. You don’t have to make a risky, long-term commitment to shift your destiny in powerful ways. In just one healing session, we’ll identify an old story your soul is ready to release, align your energy centers, and discover a new personal map to step into who you’re ready to become.

I’m Ready To Take A First Step

“Life Changing!

A lot of programs out there talk about rediscovering who you are and saying yes to change. But they don’t really give you a map for how to find your way from there. What Chris and her team taught me was not just how to find my new path, but actually align with it day-to-day in the midst of all kinds of stress, responsibilities, and uncertainties. I have so many reliable tools that have stood the test of time, including my Bands of Power and my archetypes. No matter how dark my life may get, this medicine is like a shaft of golden sunlight helping me continue my hero’s journey. Thank you Chris for bringing this into my life!”

David Lederman
Medicine Wheel Participant (2022-24)

What other CLIENTS say

In Their Words, Not Ours

This medicine gave me the start to life. My real life. The life that fills you with joy inside. The life lived in passion, in crazy courage, beyond all constraints and limitations, in total presence, in beauty and especially love…that expansive, all-encompassing love, one with all that is.

Dani mihut

Medicine Wheel participant, 2012-2024

Ready to come home?

Let’s Talk