
A Journey Home to your Heart…

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YOU ARE WARMLY INVITED TO JOIN US! Thursday 16 – Friday 31 May 2024.

Here at Spirit of the Inca, our sacred journeys to Peru are one of the highlights of our calendar. To say YES! and step in, is to say yes to a great adventure, to a life-changing experience, and to a deeply rewarding personal journey. We call it the Journey Home to the Heart.

Every journey takes us the whole year to plan and organise, and we are excited to be able to share with you all the details for Peru 2024. The group is already forming, and we warmly invite you to join us!

This is an extra-ordinary journey… Here is a snapshot of our day-by-day itinerary. If you’d like more information on the costs and how to join us, or how to get in touch with Chris to find out more, the details on how to do that are below…

Thursday 16 May

We meet at our airport hotel in Lima this evening, and gather as a group to cross this threshold and begin our journey together. This is a great time to look ahead to the coming days together, and to let the journey reach out and connect with us!

Friday 17 May

We take a mid-morning flight from Lima over the Andes to Cusco. We will be greeted at the airport by our shamans of the Q’ero lineage, and by a private bus that will take us into the Sacred Valley and to our very first stop, a cleansing water ceremony at Chincheros Lake. The place where earth, sky and water meet.

Saturday 18 May

Our location for our first few days is always near to this beautiful Inca town, and today is our first gentle walk into this stunning landscape to a little-known temple where we will step into the 9 Rites of the Munay Ki with our Q’ero shamans. Then, we visit with Chino’s family, who always have a warm welcome and a truly memorable meal waiting for us.

Sunday 19 May

Today we spend the morning exploring the main temple at Ollantaytambo, and we’re joined by Jorge Luis Delgado our guide and storyteller as we make our journey through this beautiful landscape. In the afternoon, we travel to Moray, where these extraordinary circles in the earth evoke a real sense of the womb of the feminine. Here, our shamans create a Despacho for us, and we receive the first of the transmissions of the Munay Ki, the Pampamesayoc rites.

Monday 20 May

After a journey by train (with a glass roof!) up through the cloud forest – a marvel in itself – we spend this afternoon up on Machu Picchu in the company of Jorge Luis Delgado, who has the gift of bringing these ancient sites to life right in front of your eyes. Machu Picchu speaks to the soul of each of us in a way that words cannot express and we will be there as the sun sets over this crystal city.

Tuesday 21 May

Mandor Falls sits at the heart of the lush cloud forest beneath Machu Picchu. Held by the mountains above us we are cleansed in the flowing waters that become the river Urubamba, the river of light, a sacred reflection of the Milky Way above us. Our Despacho here prepares us for the Munay Ki rites of the Alto Mesayoq… a magical experience in this stunning out-of-the-way landscape.

Wednesday 22 May

Here at Qillarumiyoq we discover the ‘power of moon and stone’. Our shamans, Don Pascual, Don Francisco, Doña Juana, and Chino, create for us a Despacho ceremony, and share the rites of the star keepers, reminding us of our connection to the moon, the stars and the cosmos.

On our way back to our hotel, we visit the weavers of Chincheros. We’ll discover this ancient art of working with the wool of the alpaca and the natural ways to dye wool, and admire (and buy) their wonderful creations. 

Thursday 23 May

We are especially grateful for our wonderful bus drivers on days like this, always because of their patience and skill, but also because today we travel a good way up this great mountain for a head start on our walk around this site with some of the most impressive terraces that we’ll see. Here, our shamans prepare a Despacho for the rites that connect us to the time to come… the Mosoq rites, that take us through the centre of the chakana, the Inca Cross to the times that are coming, that is now! In the afternoon we head into Pisac town for lunch and as Pisac has the best of all the markets in the Sacred Valley, there will be shopping!

Friday 24 May

Cusco is the heart of the Sacred Valley. This beautiful city has so many treasures to discover. In the morning, we head to the Coricancha in the company of our storyteller-guide, Jorge Luis. In the afternoon, we are free to explore this beautiful city.

Saturday 25 May

We’ll head out today to three sites close to Cusco for our final day in the Sacred Valley.

As our time with our Q’ero shamans comes to a close they create for us a final Despacho, and transmit the ninth rite, the Taitanchi rite, where we remember that we are the creators of our own world.

Our visits include Tambomachay, a site devoted to the element of water, and we complete our time in the Sacred Valley with a visit to Sacsayhuaman, the sacred mountain on which Cusco sits.

Sunday 26 May

Today our bus takes on the second half of our journey, through beautiful landscapes over the Altiplano to the Lake at the top of the world. We watch – and feel – the landscape change, stopping off along the way to stretch our legs in a surreal moonscape. Here, in Lake Titicaca, the people live in balance with the beautiful and powerful light of Inti Tayta, Father Sun, on this bountiful Pachamama, Mother Earth.

Monday 27 May

The Doorway Aramu Muru was discovered by Jorge Luis himself, and it is here that together we have the opportunity to journey within and through the doorway to experience what the ancient peoples discovered in this landscape.

Inca Camaña, the stairway to the stars… there is nothing more to say and everything to experience here. An extraordinary, little known sacred site, etched into the landscape.

Tuesday 28 May

Today, we head out across the lake by boat to the island of Amantani, where we will spend the night in the homes of the islanders. These generous, heart centred people offer us the chance to learn what it means to live contentedly with very little. Towards the end of the day we walk up to the highest point on the island to watch the glorious sunset, and create a ceremony at the temple of Pachamama, Mother Earth.

Wednesday 29 May

We say our farewells to Amantani this morning and head out across the lake once more, this time to the beautiful island of Taquile. Jorge Luis will lead a ceremony of gratitude and connection with the lake itself. We’ll share a meal with the islanders, then, after a short walk, an opportunity to admire the extraordinary and colourful knitting that is local to this island (and the chance to bring a few items home!)

Thursday 30 May

For our final day out on the land, Jorge Luis will take us to Sillustani and the Sun Temple for a ceremony that enables us to receive the gifts that this journey has offered to us, and to give our gratitude to this land for holding us these days together.

Friday 31 May

Today, we make our way to Juliaca for our flight to Lima, and then on to connecting flights home. We have journeyed together through beautiful landscapes, on an inner adventure and an outward journey, learning what it means to stay connected to our hearts and to the light that we are…

Here’s how to join us…


Contact Chris directly to let us know you’d like to join us; or, if you’d like to have a chat about the journey, click the button below.

PAYMENT 1: deposit of £550. This books your place on our journey.
PAYMENT 2: US$2,375. (If you’d like a single room, add a supplement of $770.) This instalment enables us to reserve your hotel rooms.
PAYMENT 3: US$2,375 this payment is made in cash when we reach our hotel in Urubamba on Friday 17 May.
All payments, once made, are non-refundable.

We also have an in-depth logistics document; if you would like a link to download this, contact us HERE.

I’m saying YES!

You might also like to know about…

… my online series this autumn, the HEART OF THE SHAMAN, beginning Tuesday 3 October.

Together, we’ll take eight steps on the shaman’s path. No experience is necessary – all welcome. Join me for all eight sessions, or week-by-week whenever you can. Click the link below for all the details…

HEART OF THE SHAMAN online series… ????